Middle School ClubHouse in April

04/05/2024 03:00 PM - 04/26/2024 05:00 PM PT


Education Programs


  • Free  -  Pay What You Can - $0
  • $10.00  -  OPTIONAL Program Supporter
  • $20.00  -  OPTIONAL Program Superstar
  • $50.00  -  OPTIONAL Program SuperNOVA


Blow off some STEAM at ScienceWorks after school on Fridays. From 3 to 5 PM on four Fridays in April, Middle School aged students (11+ years old) can come to ScienceWorks to meet friends, try exhibits, tinker, and spark their curiosity.


April Fridays: Middle School ClubHouse

April 5, 12, 19, & 26

Curiosity doesn't stop when the weekend begins! 

ScienceWorks welcomes Middle School aged students to the museum on four Friday afternoons in April. They can kick off the weekend with snacks, games, and fun things to do while friendly ScienceWorks staff and volunteers are nearby to lend a hand if needed. 

Middle School Fridays are a great way for students aged 11+ to explore, investigate, and get curious at ScienceWorks in a way that offers a little more independence. Students are free to explore the museum under their own STEAM while staff and volunteers offer optional crafts and activities to pique their interest.

Please see the waiver for more information and code of conduct.

ScienceWorks has a wide selection of high-quality board games courtesy of Fun Again Games. ClubHouse Students are welcome to bring their own games as well. Pokemon, D&D, Magic? The sky is the limit as long as everyone is having fun and being respectful! 

ScienceWorks is grateful to community partners like the Ashland Food Co-op and Market of Choice for working with us to provide healthy snacks for ClubHouse kids. Young brains are always hungry!